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Meet The Artist

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His Music From Above LLC is a vehicle through which the sounds of heaven are released on earth to connect people with God through music. Joseph Cannaverde is the vessel through whom these heavenly sounds are released.


With over 10 years of private classical training as a pianist and an answered call of God to minister, God has married the two into a unique gifting and calling upon Joseph's life to prophesy, pray and minister through music.


God releases His Music From Above with the accompanying notes which Joseph then releases into the earth as a yielded, listening, trained musician, pianist and Christian who is inspired from Above.


In addition to being a believer and an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Joseph's interests include history, cars, motorcycles, engineering, teaching piano, cooking, photography and medieval martial arts. United in Christ forever and happily married since 2002 to the love of his life, Yvonne, together they serve the Lord at Covenant Life Ministries in Stratford, CT.

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